What is a CSA, how does it work?

CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture, is a way to support small scale growers by ensuring that we have a steady and regular clientele for the produce we grow.  It is done by purchasing a share of the produce we harvest each week, which comes in the form of a weekly Veggie Box Subscription, or by purchasing CSA Farm Card. 

Why are CSAs important?

By buying a CSA share, you are supporting local small farmers, and by extension, the local economy.  You will know exactly where your food is grown, and if you so choose, see for yourself how exactly it was grown.

Farming takes a lot of upfront investment before we even start growing, and buying a share ensures that we have the resources to grow everything we need to.  The cost of seeds, soil, compost, tools, and other equipment add up fast.  We also can’t grow the entire year, so we need to ensure that we have a strong season to carry us to the next.

By becoming a share-holder, we hope to convey to members the risks that farmers have to face.  We are at the whim of nature, whether it be weather or wildlife. All the planning in the world would not prevent freak storms, and we hope that members will understand that when that happens, a box may be a bit on the slim side.  

On the other hand, we also want members to share the bounty.  When we are blessed by nature, your box may overflow.  Whatever the case is, we will be transparent and communicative to our members on what’s happening on the farm.

How does our CSA look like?

Our CSAs come in two forms: The first is CSA Farm Cards that function much like gift cards.  They offer the most flexibility for you, and can be used at our booth at the Picton's Farmers Market, on our online store, or at our Farm Store.

Our more traditional Veggie Box Subscription will run for 20 weeks, with the first boxes ready in the early weeks of June.  We will take a 2-week break after 10 weeks, and continue.  Each box will have around 9 to 10 varieties of freshly harvested, ecologically grown veggies and fruits, which has a value of about $50 for the big box, and $30 for the small box.  They should feed a household of two vegetarians, or four omnivores.  There are half-season options, as well as mini boxes for smaller households if they fit your need better.

An non-exhaustive list of veggies you can expect

Early Season Produce:
Napa Cabbage
Water Spinach

Bok Choy

Late Season Produce:
Winter Squash
Daikon Radish
Purple Sticky Corn
Long Beans

Standard Shares: 8 to 10 choices of the freshest veggies
Mini Shares: 4 to 5 choices of the freshest veggies                    

Half Season
10 weeks
Full Season
20 weeks
Trial Box
Standard Share $50/week $45/week $55
Mini Share $28/week $25/week $30


How does it work?

After purchasing the subscription, you will be added to a mailing list that will let you know what’s going on at the farm, and what to do with some of the veggies in the boxes.

On Sundays, you can pick up your boxes at the Picton Farmers Market from 9 AM to 2:00 PM. Your veggies will be packed in a reusable cooler which you can take home with you. You will bring it back on your next pickup, clean and free from debris, and take the next week's box home. 

We will have partner pick up points as well, which we will confirm in the coming week, and will get in touch with you 2 weeks before the start of our CSA to confirm your preferred pick up location. 

You are also welcome to visit the farm and pick out your veggies yourself!

We are not planning any other deliveries at the moment.


Is it right for me?

While our boxes will have staples, they will also have veggies for the more adventurous cooks, looking to try some unusual items not typically found in their shopping carts.

If you don’t plan on cooking, or travel a lot, then no, this really isn’t for you.  If you still want to support us, consider buying a gift subscription instead.

Be honest with yourself.  We want our members to be able to take full advantage of what we provide.  It should never be a burden.

Understanding the shared risks is also important.  If the potential for "not getting your money's worth" makes you feel anxious, then being a member may not be for you, and you could alternatively support us at the Farmer’s Market. 

Can we customize our boxes?

If you are picking up your boxes at the Picton’s Farmers Market, you are welcome to trade out some veggies.  Please let us know if you have any allergies of concern, so we can help you decide whether a subscription is right for you.

What happens if I miss my share pickup?

If you know in advance that you might miss a share, let us know, and we’ll figure something out together.

If you miss a pickup, your share will be donated.

Can I cancel my subscription? Can I get a refund?

We will not be issuing refunds for moves, change of needs, or if you do not enjoy our offerings.  A significant portion of the funds are used at the beginning of the season, and we trust that our members have read through and understand the benefits and risks of purchasing a share, which we try to detail here.

Terms & Conditions

We assume that all our share members have read and agree to our CSA Terms & Conditions.

Ready to purchase?

Click here to get your shares.